Donation / Contribution Request Form
If you or your organization is seeking a donation or contribution it will be necessary for you to download the appropriate form and fill it out, then submit it to us.
Due to the scope of our customer base, community involvement, and longevity in the area, we are contacted by numerous individuals and companies on a daily basis for donations, contributions and/or advertising request. We ask that you complete the applicable form and submit it to us for review. Keep in mind that we are unable to fund every request; we typically budget for donations, contributions and advertising up to one year in advance. All requests are reviewed on a monthly basis by our donations, contributions and advertising committee, and are either approved or denied. Understand that we make some lump sum donations and contributions to various organizations that are managed and disbursed by those organizations.
Advertising Request Form
If you or your organization is seeking a donation, contribution or an advertising request it will be necessary for you to download the appropriate form and fill it out, then submit it to us.